Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Kimia Siswa dengan Pendekatan Stuctured Exercise Methode (SEM) Melalui Kegiatan Laboraturium pada Siswa Kelas XI MIA 1 SMAN 4 Kerinci pada Materi Laju Reaksi

Syahdanur Gusmin R


This study was an action research. The research was conducted  because there were some students who got difficulties in comprehending Chemistry Concepts, they were not active, and their learning achievements were still low. Therefore, the researcher offered a learning method called Structure Exercise Method (SEM) to improve the student’s comrehension on Chemistry Concepts, learning activeness and achievement.  The research participants were the students of grade XI MIA 1 SMAN 4 Kerinci. The researcher was helped by a collaborator who was also a teacher of Chemistry subject. The study was conducted in two cycles in four stages; (a) Planning (b) Action (c) Observation, (d) Reflection. The analysis data result showed that there were significant improvements on the student’s comprehension toward Chemistry Concept, learning activeness and achievement after the Structure Exercise Methode (SEM) was implemented. The student’s average score in precycle was only 61 (32%), it improved to 69 (52%) in cycle 1, then in cycle 2, it improved higher to 82 (82%). Moreover, the student’s phsychomotoric activeness’ score in cycle 1 was 69 (60%) and it became higher to 76 (80%) in cycle 2. As a conclusion, the Structure Exercise Method (SEM) significantly improved the students’ comprehension on the Chemistry consept, learning activeness and achievement on reaction Rate subject at grade XI MIA 1 SMAN 4 Kerinci.  Therefore, it was suggested to Chemistry Teachers to apply this method as one of solution in teaching Chemistry especially on Reaction Rate Subject.  


Structure Excercise Methode (SEM); understanding; activeness; learning outcomes

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33087/jiubj.v20i3.1062


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