Pengaruh Developing Human Resources terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Dengan Knowledge Sharing Sebagai Variabel Inteverning pada Puskesmas Muara Bungo II
This study aims to determine (1) the direct influence of Human Resource Development on employee performance; (2) The direct influence between Human Resource Development has an influence on Knowledge Sharing; (3) The direct effect of Knowledge Sharing on employee performance; (4) The influence of Knowledge Sharing in mediating Human Resource Development on employee performance. This research was conducted on active employees or employees who were registered at the Muara Bungo II Health Center. The population is 75 active employees and valid data used as a sample is 75 respondents. Data was collected using interview and questionnaire methods, which were then analyzed by causal analysis. The data analysis technique uses Path Analysis. The results showed that (1) The direct influence of Human Resource Development had a positive and significant effect on employee performance, (2) The direct influence of Human Resource Development had a positive and significant effect on Knowledge Sharing, (3) The direct influence of Knowledge Sharing had a positive and significant effect on employee performance, (6) the effect of Knowledge Sharing in mediating Human Resource Development on employee performance has a positive and significant effect.
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