Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja dan Motivasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bagian Panen pada PT Pratama Agro Sawit Terusan

Kasiyati Yunita Wulansari


This study discusses the influence of the work environment and motivation on the performance of employees in the harvest department at PT. Pratama Canal Palm Oil. Work environment and motivation variables act as independent variables, while performance variables act as dependent variables. The analytical tool used in this research is Multiple Linear Regression. This is because of the two independent variables used in this study. Then to test the hypothesis used t test and F test, as well as the coefficient of determination to determine the magnitude of the contribution of work environment variables and motivation to job satisfaction. Based on the results of the t test, the work environment variable does not have a partial effect on the performance of the harvest employees at PT. Pratama Agro Sawit Terusan, while the motivation variable has a partial influence on the performance of the harvesting employees at PT. Pratama Canal Palm Oil. In the results of the F test, the work environment and motivation variables have a joint influence on the performance of the harvest employees at PT. Pratama Canal Palm Oil. From the coefficient of determination, the Adjusted R Square value is 0.661. This means that the work environment and motivation variables affect employee performance by 66.1%.


Work Environment; Motivation; Performance; Employees; Harvest.

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