Pembinaan terhadap Narapidana Wanita Hamil di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Perempuan (LPP) Kelas II B Jambi

Elvi Alfian A


Basically the right between female inmates and male inmates is the same, only in this case because the inmate is a woman then there are some rights that get special attention than male inmates. Female inmates are not only limited to their rights as inmates in general, but also have difficulty when facing the circumstances that become their nature as a woman. The purpose of this study was: a) To find out how the system of coaching female inmates who are pregnant in the Class II B Jambi Women's Correctional Institution; b) To find out what are the inhibition factors of coaching female inmates who are pregnant in the Women's Correctional Institution class II B Jambi and c) To find out what efforts can be made by correctional officers in overcoming the inhibition factor of coaching female inmates who are pregnant in the Women's Correctional Institution class II B Jambi. The research method is an empirical juridical approach. Empirical juridical approach in this study means that in analyzing the problem is done by combining legal materials (which are secondary data) with primary data obtained in the field that is about the development of pregnant female inmates in the Class II B Jambi Women's Society. In accordance with the theme, this research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The conclusion of this study is coaching of pregnant female inmates in The Class II B Jambi Women's Correctional Institution remains equated with the coaching of other female inmates in general, there are two coachings applied in the Class II B Jambi LPP, namely Personality Coaching and Self-Reliance Coaching. Pregnant female inmates get waivers from the LPP not to do heavy work such as room picket routines, gymnastics activities every Saturday, gotong royong or other activities that endanger the condition of the womb or mother. It can be said that the guidance provided by the LPP to pregnant female inmates in accordance with the author's current meticulous, for the fulfillment of his rights has not been fulfilled to the maximum due to the lack of funds.


inmate; pregnant women; women's correctional institution (LPP)

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