Students Difficulties in Reading Comprehension on Descriptive Text at Second Semester FKIP in Batanghari University Jambi
The aim of this research is to identify the educational abilities and achievements of the students. challenges or hardships In the field of reading comprehension, Paraphrased: regarding texts that provide detailed descriptions. This kind of investigation is Quantitative data refers to information that can be measured and expressed numerically. The population sizes The focus of this research investigation is on this particular study. According to the research, the difficulty level of answering main idea questions is determined to be 0.3%. The difficulty for students in answering inference questions is 0.14. Additionally, the percentage of challenging questions that involve intricate information is 0.12% out of four total question items. The rate of students who have trouble comprehending vocabulary is 0.14%. The overall average score for the exam is 84.6. Students therefore fulfill the requirements for achieving a high score. Researchers have arrived at the inference that students possess a strong comprehension of descriptive material.
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