Figure Of Speech Analysis On I Am Human Too Poem By Godsplan K. Ugwuja

Dedi Efendi


This research is about figure of speech analysis on “I am Human Too†poem by Godsplan K. Ugwuja. The purposes of this research are; 1) To describe the types of figure of speech that found on “I am Human Too†poem by Godsplan K. Ugwuja. 2) To describe how do the figure of speech convey the messages through the poem “I am Human Too†poem by Godsplan K. Ugwuja. The datum of the research is taken from words, phrases, lines or stanza of the I am Human Too poem that contain the figure of speeches. The method of this research is uses desciptive qualitative method and figure of speech theory proposed by Perrine (1992). Data are explained by find the meaning and described them based on the kinds of figure of speech through four procedure, they are: identifying, classiying, analyzing and making the conclusion from the data. The result of this research are the writer found about 9 data of figure of speech of the poem, they are; 6 data for figure of speech of hyperbole, 2 data for figure of speech of simile and 1 data for figure of speech of symbol. Hyperbole is the dominant kind of figure of speech in the poem, because hyperbole is the appropriate of figure of speech by the author to express his feeling about soldier’s lamentation. Beside, figure of speech also convey some messages through the poem, they are; 1) Informative message, it mean that we often don’t remember that our soldiers put their live on the line to protect us but we still criticize, vilify and attack them without keeping in mind that they are human too. 2) Persuasive message, it mean that let’s support them not only by good weapons but also by moral.


Figure of Speech; I am Human Too Poem.

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