Keberadaan Otonomi Khusus Daerah Istimewa Aceh dalam Rangka Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Masyarakat di Aceh

Fitri Hindari


The granting of special autonomy to the special regions of Aceh through the central government's decentralization system to local governments, so that the province of Aceh remains a part of the unitary state of the republic of Indonesia. Law Number 18 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for the Province of the Special Region of Aceh is a statutory regulation which is equivalent to and at the same level as regional regulations in managing their own regions according to community initiatives. This special autonomy law regulates local governments in terms of development, infrastructure, poverty alleviation, education, social and health funding. There have been many regulations regarding the implementation of special autonomy for regions that were given autonomy, such as the law on financial balance between the central government and regional governments, the Aceh government law (UUPA) and the special autonomy law. The existence of Law Number 18 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for the Province of the Special Region of Aceh has a positive impact on the development of development and improvement of the regional economy in the context of welfare and justice in Acehnese society. The aim of the research is to know the development of the welfare of the people of Aceh before the special autonomy policy is given and after the special autonomy policy is given. This research uses quantitative methods, namely research that approaches books, articles, papers and journals covering special autonomy in the Aceh region. Apart from that, this research also uses a statute approach and a conceptual approach.


Community Economy; Special Autonomy; Growth

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